Frequently Asked Questions
1) I’m a camper! What should I bring to camp? Here’s a checklist we prepared just for you:
2 sheets (1 to spread on bed & 1 to cover)
Pillow and pillow case
Personal items (clothing, towel, toiletries, sneakers etc.)
Bible & note pad
A good attitude!
2) I’m a camp leader/director! What should bring? Here’s a checklist we prepared just for you:
a) Will you be cooking?
Bring your groceries, food processor, kitchen towels, dish washing liquid & sponges, pot scrubbers.
b) Will you be using Audio-Visual Equipment?
Bring your speakers, projectors, microphones etc.
c) Are you planning to do sports?
Bring all your sporting equipment – cricket bats, balls, table tennis rackets etc.
3) May I use the pool? The use of the pool comes with your booking. BUT you must observe the following:
a)Book your pool times with us.
There may be other groups booked on the facilities. Your pool time has to be scheduled.
b)Provide a lifeguard.
Pool rules stipulate that a lifeguard must be on duty when you are using the pool. If you do not
have a contact for a lifeguard, we will be happy to provide you with one.
c)No night swimming.
The use of the pool is strictly prohibited beyond 6:30p.m.
4) How can I access entry into the Campsite?
If you are a camper, camper’s relative or authorized visitor related to a camping group, you must contact the leader of your camp. They will provide access.
If you are any other person you must contact the number/s enlisted on the gate.
5) I’m interested in hosting a camp at Victory Heights, but have never visited before. What should I do?
We would like to schedule a site visit for you. Contact us so we can book an available date.